I'm currently leading innovations in digital customer experiences at Steelcase. I love exploring unique applications
of technology to create impactful and enjoyable experiences for users.
Configurator tool driven by generative design and data models, allowing users to make quick changes to 3D models.
Adult-it connects young adults to credible and empathetic mentors for guidance as they transition into adulthood, giving them the crucial support that they need to succeed and thrive as adults.
Deepa is an exceptional designer. She not only understands the intricate detail of the entire user journey she composes it with exacting structure. Deepa will never back down from a challenge. While working together I enjoyed her wide and enveloping mind as well as her integrative approach. Hiring Deepa ensures that high quality design backed by meaningful insight is shipped—with no exception.
Gavin Fiorina
Professor, UC Berkeley Extension
Deepa is a proactive, talented Designer. She was a great UX student. The thing that makes Deepa really standout is the speed at which she delivers. I have witnessed in realtime how fast Deepa works with Design tools, as well as her turnaround time for deliverables. I am sure she will not have a problem keeping up with her co-workers, even at the most fast-paced companies.
Klarence OuYang
UI Engineer, Castlight Health
Deepa is an incredibly talented architect and designer with a desire to make her projects & studio better. She is a very active & respectful collaborator always wanting to contribute. She has shown ability to work on all aspects of projects, large and small. Beyond Architecture, Deepa studies many other design disciplines to bring a more well-rounded approach to projects.