Amigas - Travel App

Amigas is a travel app that aims to hone in and address specific pain points related to women, thus making the travel experience both relaxing and pleasurable by providing a virtual travel companion for solo women travelers.
My Role:
Product Designer - Lead app concept, user research, paper & hi-fi prototyping. Performed extensive user interviews and research.
Branding & identity, UX Research Methods, Prototyping, Product Management, Sprint Methodology
Project Team

Deepa 🙋‍♀️

Project Duration
4 weeks

The Challenge
Women feel unsafe and alone traveling solo

Women and men have different concerns when it comes to traveling, especially when alone. The process of planning the trip, avoiding unsafe neighborhoods, staying connected, being constantly vigilant, etc. can be mentally taxing.

Initial Research

Once I defined the challenge brief, I outlined a proto persona using the basic parameters of user needs, behavioral demographics and pain points.

Amigas travel app protopersona

There were 17 respondents surveyed, including the 5 interviewees (Age range: 22-38). The data showed that women frequently travel solo, and although they enjoyed it, they also wanted a companion sometimes. Also, they heavily leaned towards wanting travel information specifically targeting women’s needs.

User Interview Insights
Amigas travel app woman

“ I travel to discover places less traveled to, it’s a break from the stress of my job. I like to have a game plan if something falls through "

“ Due to some negative experiences I’ve had traveling solo, I don’t feel safe sometimes "

Amigas travel app woman
Amigas travel app woman

“ I find navigating the airport and finding amenities like the bathrooms and charging ports super stressful ”

“ I feel lonely sometimes when I travel solo, like I don’t have somebody who’s got my back "

Amigas travel app woman
Affinity Diagram & Empathy Map

Once I defined the challenge brief, I outlined a proto persona using the basic parameters of user needs, behavioral demographics and pain points.


Definition & Ideation
Problem Statement
Women traveling solo often find themselves feeling unsafe, alone, and unable to relax before/during the trip. This is due to the lack of women-centered information available before they plan their trip and because they do not have a travel companion to help them feel connected and safe.

Based on the matrix, the following features were picked to be incorporated:
  • Extensive User Interviews to Define Proto Persona and Problem Statement
  • Find ways to add value to the app proposition by identifying critical points in User Journey
  • Do a comprehensive competitor analysis, and rework to get ideal User Flow
  • Perform extensive User Testing on prototypes, and iterate based on target user group feedback
Value Proposition
Amigas travel app logo
Amigas travel app logo aims at being a virtual travel companion that makes women feel safe and relaxed, by connecting and providing them with women-centered travel information from women travelers all over the globe, thus easing the pressure in both planning the trip, and during their travels.
Amigas travel app value prop

User Journey Mapping

I then went on to create a Storyboard, that tracked the process of Tessa’s interaction with the app- from App Discovery, to how she uses it to plan, uses it while on her trip, and ultimately stays connected with people she met on the app after her trip. She is definitely more relaxed after using Amigas to plan her trip.
Amigas travel app storyboard sketch Amigas travel app storyboard sketch

User Flow

Basic Steps of User Flow: I started by diagramming the three stages of the user experience with the app, and branched out into steps/activities associated with each stage.

Amigas travel app user flow

High Level User Flow: After diagramming the basic steps, I identified five major tasks on the ‘Social Feed’ and charted out separate flows for those tasks in the Detailed User Flows

Amigas travel app user flow

Detailed User Flows: The task flows for the Safety Alerts, Search and Filter features have been diagrammed in detail below

Amigas travel app user flow

Lo-Fidelity Prototyping
After identifying key user flows, I sketched them out and sorted them by flow. I also experimented with wireframing extra flows, that helped me later when I started prototyping.

Amigas travel app paper prototypes

iOS Mockups
Based on the User Flow done previously, I designed three paths of wireframes- using the ‘click profile’’ feature on the Social Feed, using the ‘Amigas near you’ feature, and also using the Search Bar to find another Amiga. I also wireframed the Safety Alerts feature, that being a key feature of the Amigas app

Amigas travel app wireframes

Usability Testing
Key Learnings from User Testing
I tested the prototype on 5 women users, 3 of whom were involved in the initial User Research process.
  1. Do women users find the information relevant and useful to help plan their trip, and make them more relaxed?
  2. To navigate seamlessly and identify task flows, and icons for specific tasks

  1. Can users successfully add/connect with an Amiga after viewing profile, and start chat?
  2. Can users successfully enable Safety Alerts and add emergency contacts?
  • Testers were successfully able to add an Amiga to their friends list
  • Testers were initially not able to identify the Safety Alerts icon , but upon further iteration were able to identify and complete setting up the feature
  • Testers generally liked the interface, but suggested minimizing the sizes and amount of text on the CTA buttons to make the interface more smooth and easier to navigate
  • The ‘More options’ was confusing for 3 users, and I reiterated the prototype to include the ‘More options’ page to avoid confusion
  • The ‘+’ Symbol to post review confused 2 users into thinking it was an Add Friends button. Iterated it to be a different identifiable icon

phone border Amigas travel app onboarding

The onboarding process has been made engaging and fun, with the option to log in via connecting your social accounts for easier account setup,.

phone border Amigas travel app adding amiga
Sending Request

A unique element is the ‘Amigas near you’ feature if you have GPS enabled. Otherwise, you can search by destination, name, etc. and click profile.

phone border Amigas travel app safety
Safety Alerts

This shows the user flow, letting you add emergency contacts from either your phone or other Amigas you’ve connected with.

phone border Amigas travel app postingreview
Posting Review

Shows the interface as well as the task flow required to post a review on the app.

Iterated Prototypes

Based on User Feedback from my Usability Tests, I prioritized the key changes that would add value to Amigas, and iterated on my Initial Hi-Fi Prototypes

Amigas travel app users hands

I incorporated the major iterations based on user frustrations and pain points, in particular the efficiency and UI of the Safety Alerts Feature.

Amigas travel app hifi

Final Thoughts
This was an extremely interesting and insightful project for me to work on, targeting the pain points and necessities of the rapidly growing number of women choosing to travel solo.
Amigas travel app final thoughts

  • Understanding your User is Key
    I started out defining my User Persona, but after conducting multiple interviews and surveys realized that women traveling solo had a whole other different set of pain points than what i had assumed. The User Interviews served as a guiding tool throughout the design process, and I would touch base with the women I had interviewed and constantly iterate based on their feedback.
  • Iterate based on Research and Analysis
    The Competitor Analysis was a very useful tool, as it helped me understand the task flows and UI in various other apps, and learn from their failures, and iterate my design.
  • Use your Tools wisely
    At the beginning, I was comfortable using Adobe XD to do my wireframes, but upon using Figma, found it far easier and visually appealing to prototype even Hi-Fi wireframes quickly, and iterate multiple times based on user feedback.
  • Don't be afraid to fail!
    Iteration is a key part of the design process, and upon user feedback and interviews, I found myself having to go back and edit/ iterate multiple aspects of my design. While this can be frustrating, it ultimately lead to a better product, which resonated much more with its users.